NPI stands for National Provider Identifier. Having a NPI number helps get bills paid faster, and is less error prone. We would like everyone to have a NPI number and you can either apply for one yourself or we can apply for one on your behalf
Do know, the business information you enter will be available publicly in the NPI directly. If you have any information you prefer not to be public, please indicate on the form below and we can put the BIMN contact info instead of your own.
To Apply Yourself
You can apply for an NPI online here.
Its not the easiest application. Give yourself at least 30 minutes. You have to first create an account. Once you get the new account email, then you can sign back in and then apply for your NPI. Sometimes it will issue withing hours, sometimes it takes weeks.
If you’re not super internet/computer savvy, you might want to use the paper application. Click here to download.
(When filling out the application you will need the massage therapist taxonomy code which is 225700000X)
BIMN Can Apply for You
Make sure you understand the part about public information above…then fill out this form. If you don’t want to send your SSN in this way, you can call me.