Thom became a Massage Therapist in 1993 and has received advanced training and specializes in: cranial sacral therapy, deep tissue body work, reflexology, sports massage, and Somatic Emotional Release.
Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle hands method that enhances the function of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal chord.
Deep Tissue Massage utilizes slow, deep massage strokes that serve to realign and reconnect muscle and connective tissue helping the body function more properly. Contrary to popular belief deep tissue massage does not have to be painful to be effective. In fact done properly, will be a relaxing, even pleasurable experience.
Sports Massage utilizes slow, deep massage strokes focused on sport specific muscle and connective tissue to bring relief to overworked or otherwise injured parts of the body.
Home Office:
16-426 Brookerover Street, Ainaloa
By calling this number and booking a massage, you agree to our cancellation policy which you can read here. If you do not agree with the policy, do not book a session.
If this is the first session on an injury claim please call our main office at 808-557-8807 to set up your file before you call the therapist to make an appointment.